Financial Management Virtual Instructor-Led Courses

Graduate School USA | Virtual Financial Management Classes

Virtual Financial Management Classes

VirtualFinancial Management Classes

Graduate School USA’s Federal Financial Management curriculum provides up-to-date courses for career progression, leading to a Master Certificate in Federal Financial Management. Areas of focus include government accounting, budgeting, appropriations law, financial management, controls, and travel regulations. Our courses are taught by subject matter expert practitioners focused on successful student application of skills for your working knowledge and career success.

List of Courses:

Activity Costing Executive Seminar on Performance Accountability
Advanced Appropriations Law
Antideficiency Act
Appropriations Law for Reimbursements, Revolving Funds, and User Fees
Budget Execution
Budget Formulation
Budget Justification and Presentation
Congressional Budget Process
Data Analytic Tools for Financial Management
Decision Support Analytics
Defense Working Capital Funds
Department of Homeland Security PPBE System
DoD Fiscal Law Principles
Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training Course (EDFMTC)

Federal Accounting Standards
Federal Appropriations Law
Federal Appropriations Law Refresher and Update
Federal Budget Analysis Using Microsoft Excel
Federal Budgeting, Execution, and Accounting: The Relationship
Federal Budget Process
Federal Budgeting for Non-Budgeting Personnel
Federal Financial Systems & Policies
Government Standard General Ledger
Intermediate Decision Support Analytics
Advanced Federal Accounting
Introduction to Federal Accounting
Introduction to Federal Budgeting
Introduction to Financial Management
Manager’s and Auditor’s Roles in Assessing Internal Control
Planning, Budgeting and Performance Measurement
Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE)
Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Army
Strategic Spending Executive Seminar: Intelligent Funds Management in Challenging Times
Travel Regulations for Non-Defense Agencies, FTR (PCS Only)
Travel Regulations for Defense Agencies, JTR (TDY Only)
Travel Regulations for Non-Defense Agencies, FTR (TDY Only)
Travel Regulations for Defense Agencies, JTR (TDY and PCS)
Travel Regulations for Defense Agencies, JTR (PCS Only)
Understanding Federal Financial Statements
What an Audit Means to You: Working with the Auditors and Surviving an Audit

Get the training to build your skills with Graduate School USA!

If you have questions regarding a class for which you are currently registered, please contact the Customer Relations Center at 1-888-744-GRAD (4723).

DoD Financial Management Certification

DoD Financial Management Certification

Seeking your DoD financial management certification? GSUSA has more than 200 courses that are aligned with DoD competencies. For those who are already certified, taking GSUSA classes can help you maintain your certification at all three levels.

Learn More.

Master Certificate in Federal Financial Management (MCFFM)

Master Certificate in Federal Financial Management (MCFFM)

Take your professional development to the next level and follow the path to success with GSUSA’s Master Certificate in Federal Financial Management (MCFFM). Our program helps you develop the competencies that practitioners at all levels of the federal government must demonstrate to excel and advance their careers.

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Virtual Instructor

Virtual Instructor-Led Courses

GSUSA’s virtual instructor-led online courses are taught by instructors with real-world government experience; they deliver up-to-date content that you can immediately apply on the job.

Learn More.