Photo Disclaimer

Policy discussion

Photo Disclaimer

Photo Disclaimer Policy

In consideration of the opportunity to support Graduate School USA ("GSUSA"), GSUSA and its employees, collaborators, and contractors have my permission to record my image and/or oral testimonial (the "Work"). Further, such permission includes reproduction and use of the Work in any and all formats, including but not limited to: written or recorded testimonials; photos; video; audio; or other means (or products), in all media or promotional or marketing materials, including public display on websites; advertising; or other media (“Use”).

I understand that GSUSA agrees to the Use for GSUSA educational and training-related advertising, or for informational purposes. GSUSA may edit the Work as deemed necessary and appropriate at the discretion of GSUSA. I understand that GSUSA may commit or expend significant resources to produce the Work, and I agree that my permission cannot be revoked.

I understand that persons not affiliated with GSUSA may download or otherwise obtain the Work without GSUSA’s permission or authority. Therefore, I agree further that GSUSA is not responsible for unauthorized use of the Work. I specifically waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related the Work.

I am at least 18 years of age and competent to contract in my own name. I have read this Release before signing below and I fully understand the contents, meaning, and impact of this release.