Learn the essential federal staffing functions and how staffing relates to other HR programs. Become knowledgeable about the merit system principles and the prohibited personnel practices; the basic requirements of eligibility and minimum qualifications; in-service placement actions, including merit promotion; and other components of a sound recruitment and placement program.
3 days
Who Should Attend?
Support staff involved in the preparation of SF52s or SF50s who need to understand the relationship between staffing and other HR programs.
1.8 CEU'sLearning Outcomes:
- Understand the federal Human Resources Management (HRM) model, recruitment and staffing function, and the process and steps in filling a vacancy
- Research the Code of Federal Regulations (5 CFR) to properly determine legal and regulatory requirements for recruitment and staffing
- Determine eligibility and minimum qualifications using OPM Qualification Requirements Standards
- Apply merit promotion and in-service procedures
- Apply a job analysis process for developing assessment tools
No sessions scheduled
Other Recommended Courses:
Day one of three
- Introduction
- The merit system
- Competitive status/related concepts
Day two of three
- Excepted appointments
- Common personnel actions
- Job analysis
Day three of three
- Merit Promotion
- Working certificates of eligibles
- Interviewing
- Course evaluation and closeout