Managing a Virtual/Hybrid Workforce (MGMT9016)

Rising Hands

Managing a Virtual/Hybrid Workforce


Many of today's supervisors and managers must manage a workforce of teleworkers, contractors, remote team members and others they do not see on a daily basis. Contingency planning requires the ability to continue managing when employees can no longer use the office. Learn how to manage remote workers successfully without sacrificing performance or control. Discover the requirements of the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-292), and discuss the challenges of implementing those requirements. Recognize the similarities in managing on-site and virtual employees, and learn tips for managing virtual teams. Discover helpful resources, including links to online tools, for use back at the office. Leave the course one step closer to implementing a successful program to manage a virtual workforce. The course can be customized to include aspects of your workforce polices, any applicable collective bargaining agreements, and agency specific scenarios.





Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for employees, team leaders


0.6 CEU's

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