The purpose of this course is to help you learn what you need to know and acquire the skills you need to be successful as an EEO counselor.
4 days
Who Should Attend?
Federal employees who are, or have been, selected to be EEO counselors
2.4 CEU'sLearning Outcomes:
- Explain the EEO process set forth in 29 CFR Part 1614, emphasizing important time frames in the EEO process and the rights and responsibilities of parties
- Identify relevant issues, documents and witnesses
- Attempt resolution of EEO complaint issues
- Prepare an EEO counselor's report
- Describe other procedures available to aggrieved persons
- Understand mixed-case processing issues, including the right of election, class complaints processing, and negotiated grievance procedures
- Describe available remedies, including compensatory damages, attorney's fees, and costs available to prevailing parties
Available only for Private Group Training
Other Recommended Courses:
- Roles and Responsibilities of EEO/Diversity Committee (EEOP8110)
- Special Emphasis Program Management (EEOP8115)
Day one of four:
- Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Pre/Post Course Assessment Questionnaire
- Equal Employment Opportunity Counseling
- Introduction to counseling
- Meaning of EEO
- What are the objectives in EEO Counseling
- Why EEO Counselors
- Your role as an EEO Counselor
- Working with management
- Your role and the personnel office
- Your authority
- Collateral assignment
- Broadening your horizons
- Interpersonal communications
- Listening
- Bars to listening
- Additional thoughts on effective communications
End Day One
- Defining Protected Groups
- Defining the classes covered by EEO laws
- Four traditional classification schemes
- Definitions for "Protected Groups"
- Definition of "Handicapped Person"
- Definition of age discrimination
- Definition of religious discrimination
- Definition of reprisal
- Definition of sex discrimination
- Discrimination Complaint Process
- Introduction to the complaint process
- EEO Complaint process
- Bases alleged in formal complaints
- Issues alleged in formal complaints
- EEO case preparation in the Federal sector
- Charts: EEO process
- Developing resolutions
End Day Two
- Legal Considerations
- The United States Court System
- Burden of proof requirements
- Damage awards
- Establishing a Prima Facie Case of Discrimination
- Preponderance of evidence
- Types of judicial relief
- Defining issues and bases
- Understanding the theories of discrimination
- Analyzing allegations of discrimination
- EEO Counselor Duties
- Duties of an EEO Counselor
- EEO counseling do's & don'ts
- The EEO counseling process
- Planning the inquiry
- Assessing the situation
- Determining the appropriate resolution techniques
- Tips on interviewing
- Tips on taking notes
- Briefing the EEO Officer and recommending improvements
- Quick Reference Guide
End Day Three
- Sexual Harassment
- Guidelines on sexual harassment
- Review of the Meritor Decision
- Implications of Meritor v. Vinson
- Identifying sexual harassment
- Receiving a sexual harassment allegations
- Quick and appropriate action
- Talking with the alleged harasser
- Talking with the witnesses
- Personal behavior checklist
- Report Writing
- Writing a report when employee files a complaint
- Briefing the EEO Officer and recommending improvements
- Checklist for EEO Counselor Reports
- Guidelines for EEO Counselor Reports
- Report writing
- Practical Applications
- Attempting and informal resolution
- Counseling self critique
- Preparing the report
- End Day Four