Federal budgeting, execution, and accounting are interrelated functions that work together to support effective financial management in agencies. This course provides an overview of each function and shows the relationship between the three functions. Budget personnel will gain an understanding of the work required to produce accurate accounting information, while accountants will appreciate how budget personnel use accounting data to develop budget estimates and control the use of funds.
2 days
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who needs a better understanding of the relationship between the federal budget, execution and accounting functions, including budget personnel, accountants, accounting technicians, program managers, auditors and interns.
1.2 CEU's, 16 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
- Describe the relationship between federal budgeting, execution and accounting
- Explain how accounting data is used in preparing budgets
- Distinguish between budgetary and proprietary accounting
- Use accounting data to control the obligation of funds during budget execution
- Use budget & accounting terminology correctly
No sessions scheduled
Other Recommended Courses:
- Introduction to Financial Management (FINC7000)
- Introduction to Federal Budgeting (BUDG7001)
- Introduction to Federal Accounting (ACCT7001)
- Congressional Budget Process (BUDG8175)
- Federal Budget Process (BUDG7103)
Day One :
- Module 1: Budget Preparation
o Budget Formulation Phase Timeline
o What Is a Budget?
o Purposes of an Organizational Budget
o Budget Formulation based on the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
o Developing an Effective Budget
o Application of Object Classes
o Exercise: Performance Measurement
o Exercise: Developing a Budget Submission
o Module 1: Summary
o Knowledge Check
- Module 2: Budget Execution
o Overview of the Budget Execution Phase
o Main Events in Budget Execution
o Fund Allotments and Obligations
o Reprogramming and Transferring Funds
o Deferrals and Revisions
o Reports on Budget Execution
Day Two:
- Module 2: Budget Execution (continued)
o Fund Control
o Exercise: Change to a Budget During the Budget Year Based on Emerging Conditions
o Module 2: Summary
o Knowledge Check
- Module 3: Federal Accounting
o What Does Federal Accounting Account For?
o The Need for a Two-Track Accounting System
o Budgetary Accounting
o Status of Funds
o Proprietary Accounting
o Exercise: The Proprietary Accounting Equation
o Relationship of Budgetary and Proprietary Accounting Entries
o Module 3: Summary
o Knowledge Check
- Module 4: Role of Accounting in Preparation of Performance- Based Budgets
o Role of Accounting in Performance-Based Budgets?
o Why is Cost Information Important?
o Availability of Cost Data?
o Module 4: Summary?
o Knowledge Check?
- Module 5: Federal Budgeting, Execution and Accounting- Summary and Application
o Budget Formulation Summary
o Budget Execution Summary
o Accounting Summary
o Exercise: Reacting to a Reprogramming Request at Mid-Year?
o Knowledge Check