Examine the need for, the legal, policy and performance accountability requirements, and the methodologies used in identifying, analyzing, and reporting costs of federal government activities, outputs and program outcomes. You will view the government as if it were a business entity and consider how a better understanding of the “cost of doing business” can lead to informed, metric driven management for more cost efficient, accountable government operations and performance. This course is part of the Master Certificate in Federal Financial Management (MCFFM)
3 days
Who Should Attend?
Government officials, analysts and contractors who need to understand the importance of and methods for collecting, estimating, identifying, analyzing and reporting activity and program cost information.
1.8 CEU's, 24 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
No sessions scheduled
Other Recommended Courses:
- Advanced Federal Accounting (ACCT8004)
- Federal Accounting Standards (ACCT7102)
- Government Standard General Ledger (ACCT8100)
- Federal Budgeting, Execution, and Accounting: The Relationship (FINC8300)
- Planning, Budgeting and Performance Measurement (BUDG8180)
- Decision Support Analytics (FINC8120)