This two-day course is designed to provide you with DoD-specific authorities or prohibitions relating to fiscal law (also called “federal appropriations law”). DoD, like all federal agencies, is bound by the basic fiscal law rules. However, DoD has considerably more flexibility in many areas because Congress has given specific statutory authority to DoD. Additionally, DoD has several activities that make it different from other agencies (e.g., Military Construction). Basic federal appropriations law courses may not address these DoD-specific topics. This course covers the major fiscal law exceptions and authorities that apply to DoD. This course also serves another purpose. It will fulfill the requirement for DoD Financial Management personnel to receive recurring fiscal law training. It covers changes that have been made to the Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the “Redbook”) since you last studied the material in the 4-day Federal Appropriations Law course. Thus, you will not only learn about DoD specifics but also be brought up to date on generic fiscal law developments
2 days
Who Should Attend?
This course is for DoD military members, civilian employees, and Defense contractors who have already taken a Federal Appropriations Law course and need to know more about DoD-specific authorities in fiscal law or need an update on the latest developments in fiscal law
1.2 CEU's, 16 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
- Understand and apply DoD-specific fiscal law rules
- Assess propriety of administrative decisions
- Apply Comptroller General decisions
- Assist in the legal obligation of funds
- Avoid Antideficiency Act violations
- Record obligations properly
No sessions scheduled
Other Recommended Courses:
- Antideficiency Act (FINC7207)
- Advanced Appropriations Law (FINC9100)
- Federal Appropriations Law (FINC7100)
- Appropriations Law for Reimbursements, Revolving Funds, and User Fees (FINC9115)
- Federal Appropriations Law Refresher and Update (FINC8147)
- Defense Working Capital Funds (FINC9000)
- Army Managers' Internal Control Administrators' Course (AUDT9015)
- Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Army (BUDG8001)
Day One :
- Module 1 – Introduction
- Module 2 – Legal Framework
- Module 3 – Availability as to Purpose
- Self-Awareness and Personal Effectiveness
- What is it and why does it matter?
Day Two :
- Module 5 – Availability as to Time
- Module 6 – Availability as to Amount
- Module 7 – Recording of Obligations
- Module 8 – Continuing Resolutions
- Module 9 – Liability and Relief of Accountable Officers