This seminar is a condensed, quick paced overview on the principles, tools, techniques, and applications of data analytics within a contemporary audit environment. Large amounts of electronic data present an enormous challenge and opportunity to identify trends, correlations, levels of compliance, activity, risks, possible fraud, errors, and otherwise hidden causes and effects in financial, performance and operational activity. This seminar will demonstrate the application of software and a case study to demonstrate the power of available tools to extract, sort and identify specific information from databases and the cloud. This seminar will also explore approaches to using data to identify risks and outliers, monitor activity and display and chart results for reporting and presentation, as well as current industry data trends and threats. For the virtual version, students must have Excel-with the Data Analysis ToolPak activated (this is included with Excel software). This course is part of the Certified Government Auditor (CGA) program, Level 1.
1 day
Who Should Attend?
Managers, leaders, auditors, analysts, evaluators, and investigators.
0.6 CEU's, 8 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
- Explain the importance of data analytics in auditing
- Identify patterns and outliers quickly to make decisions on what to analyze
- Describe the difference between structured and unstructured data
- Use the Data Analysis Maturity Model and identify your organization’s maturity
- Practice on multiple case studies doing analysis with an audit specific data analysis tool
- List common data analysis tools that can be used in auditing
- Explain various trends in data analysis, data architecture, and data governance and their implications on auditing
No sessions scheduled
Other Recommended Courses:
- Auditing with Data Analytics (AUDT8100)
- Analysis Techniques for Auditors (AUDT7900)
- Practical Statistical Sampling for Auditors (AUDT8112)
Morning Session
- Why Data Analytics in Audit?
- Approaches to Audit Data Analysis
- Data Analytics Maturity Model
- Leveraging Data Visualization
- Common Data Analysis Tools
Afternoon Session
- What to Analyze in an Audit?
- Hands-On Case Studies
- Advanced Data Analysis Considerations
- Trends in Data Analysis